Thursday, March 03, 2005

Spacecraft in Paper, March 2005

02/03/05 - As if on cue after the successful launching on Feb. 26 of the Japanese H-2A rocket with the MTSAT 1R spacecraft, Robin pointed out on the Papermodels Group that there is a papermodel of the Japanese ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) which, as best I can work out, is due for launch Sept. this year. It joins the other Japanese satellite models available of Aqua, ADEOS-II, DRTS and µ-Labsat
NB - The H2A model has moved to a new URL

07/03/05 – Jon Leslie posted photos of a Shutttle stack (version 2.0) that he had been Beta testing for Bill Spencer on the website of the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Centre followed a half hour afterwards by the model itself. Someone suggested it would look "mighty purty with a scaled up Delta 7 studios shuttle to finish it off" Jon tells us on the Yahoo Space-Modelers Group that it is very strong and how some of his paper model designs are used in flying model rockets.

20/03/05 - A post earlier this month brought a new group to my attention, Space-Paper-Models Yahoo! Group, a relatively new group. Probably the major point of interest in it is that it is the repository of Bill Kastenmeier's Von Braun rocket to 1/100 scale which is the orbital vehicle of Von Braun's Cargo rocket featured in Colliers magazine during 1952 (You might also want to checkout the 1/150 Von Braun Saturn Shuttle on the Delta-7 Retro Rockets CD). It brought back memories for me since I have a copy of Von Braun's "The First Men To The Moon", first published in 1958 although his foreword is dated 1960. I read it as a kid and it fired my imagination! I dragged it out, blew the dust off it and scanned a few pages that I've lodged in the Group's photo section if anyone else wants a full-sized copy of the Crew Return Vehicle cutaway, contact me and I'll send you one out.


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