Thursday, March 17, 2005

LaunchLog Mar 2005

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Projected Launches, Mar - May 2005

Every issue I add the projected launches for the next quarter to Tricorder, the Fanzine of the USS Magellan, from the JPL Space Calendar correlated against the Spaceflight Now Tracking Station. These are the projected launches for March to May as at 13/03/05

March 2005
Mar ?? - PS-2 KT-1 Launch (China)
Mar ?? - TechSAR-1 Shavit 1 Launch (Israel)
Mar 18 -[Mar 07] XSS-11 Minotaur Launch *
Mar 25 - Galaxy 14 Soyuz FG-Fregat Launch
Mar 31 - Express AM-2 Proton K Launch *
April 2005
Apr ?? - Cartosat 1/VU-Sat PSLV Launch (India)
Apr ?? - Apstar 6 CZ-3B Launch
Apr ?? - DART Pegasus XL Launch *
Apr ?? -[Mar 08] TacSat 1/Celestis 5 Falcon 1 Launch (Inaugural Test Launch)
Apr 06 - Cosmos 1 Volna Launch (Solar Sail Mission)
Apr 06 - NROL-16 Titan 4B Launch *
Apr 12 - ***Yuri's Night - World Space Party ***
Apr 14 - Syracuse 3-A/ Telcom 2 Ariane 5GS Launch *
Apr 15 - Soyuz TMA-6 Soyuz FG Launch (International Space Stations 11S) *
May 2005
May ?? -[Mar 12] DIRECTV 8 Proton launch *)
May ?? -[Mar 08] Cosmos-Glonass Soyuz 2-Fregat Test Launch
May ?? - Spaceway 1 Zenit 3SL Launch (April ??)
May ?? - Astro F M- V Launch (Japan)
May ?? - IP-Star 1 Ariane 5 Launch
May ?? - Spaceway 2 Ariane 5 Launch
May ?? -[Mar 07] NROL-22 Delta 4 Medium Launch *
May ?? -[Mar 07] STP R-1 Minotaur Launch
May 04 -[Mar 10] GOES-N Delta 4M Launch *
May 11 - NOAA-N Delta 2 Launch *
May 15 - STS-114 "Return To Flight" Launch, Space Shuttle Discovery, PCSat 2 (International Space Station LF-1) *
May 18 - Topsat/ China DMC/ SSETI-Express/Mozhayets 5/N-Cube 2/Sinah 1 Cosmos 3M Launch
May 20 - GPS 2RM F-1 Delta 2 Launch *)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Spacecraft in Paper, March 2005

02/03/05 - As if on cue after the successful launching on Feb. 26 of the Japanese H-2A rocket with the MTSAT 1R spacecraft, Robin pointed out on the Papermodels Group that there is a papermodel of the Japanese ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) which, as best I can work out, is due for launch Sept. this year. It joins the other Japanese satellite models available of Aqua, ADEOS-II, DRTS and µ-Labsat
NB - The H2A model has moved to a new URL

07/03/05 – Jon Leslie posted photos of a Shutttle stack (version 2.0) that he had been Beta testing for Bill Spencer on the website of the Lower Hudson Valley Challenger Centre followed a half hour afterwards by the model itself. Someone suggested it would look "mighty purty with a scaled up Delta 7 studios shuttle to finish it off" Jon tells us on the Yahoo Space-Modelers Group that it is very strong and how some of his paper model designs are used in flying model rockets.

20/03/05 - A post earlier this month brought a new group to my attention, Space-Paper-Models Yahoo! Group, a relatively new group. Probably the major point of interest in it is that it is the repository of Bill Kastenmeier's Von Braun rocket to 1/100 scale which is the orbital vehicle of Von Braun's Cargo rocket featured in Colliers magazine during 1952 (You might also want to checkout the 1/150 Von Braun Saturn Shuttle on the Delta-7 Retro Rockets CD). It brought back memories for me since I have a copy of Von Braun's "The First Men To The Moon", first published in 1958 although his foreword is dated 1960. I read it as a kid and it fired my imagination! I dragged it out, blew the dust off it and scanned a few pages that I've lodged in the Group's photo section if anyone else wants a full-sized copy of the Crew Return Vehicle cutaway, contact me and I'll send you one out.